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Krátkodobé uzavření naučné stezky Povydří v úseku Antýgl - Čeňkova Pila
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To Stodůlky – a trip to see abandoned settlements

O vaší cestě

The village of Stodůlky was once the largest village in the Czech Republic after Prague, despite having fewer than 2,000 residents.
Délka 17,5km
Náročnost střední
Doba 5h:30min
Převýšení 457m


Starting at the car park of Velký Bor, go downhill to the canyon of the River Křemelná (blue marks). Now you are climbing along the foot of the Křemelná mountain.

The village of Stodůlky was here.

The later military training ground (1952-1991) gave way to the all-liberating natural succession. The trail continues to Zadní Paště (with the restored Chapel of St Martin) and on to Prostřední Paště and, eventually, Přední Paště (Chapel of Virgin Mary).

It is possible to follow an unmarked path up to Velký Babylon, which is more than worth the climb for the great view!

After some time, you reach an asphalt surface, turn left (blue marks) and return to the base car park making a loop via Stodůlky

Trip map

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