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From Prášily to the lake of Laka

O vaší cestě

Lake Laka with floating islands on the surface is the smallest, shallowest and highest glacial lake in Šumava.
Délka 18km
Náročnost vysoká
Doba 5h:40min
Převýšení 470


The gurgling brook of Prášilský potok (red marks) takes you to Gsenget. Passing through the small mountain saddle of Zlatý stoleček, where smugglers reportedly transferred contraband to one another, you reach the lake of Laka with its patches of peat floating on the surface; it is expected to become completely overgrown within a few hundred years. Along the stream of Jezerní potok you go downhill to Hůrka with the cemetery chapel of the Abel Family and the conciliation bell, passing the foundations of St Vincent Church re-arranged very recently with respect to the original purpose of the building. Heading for Vysoké Lávky (yellow marks) and Formberg (green marks) you turn back to Prášily via a deep forest.

Please note that the route from Gsenget to Laka is closed between 15 March and 15 July due to the nesting period of the capercaillie.

Trip map

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