Vimperk Environmental Education Centre

  • The centre offers educational programmes focused on nature and life in Šumava National Park for children of all ages from kindergartens to secondary schools.

  • In addition to programs for school groups, we also organize events for the public, mostly for parents with children, which are focused on learning about Sumava nature and creating with natural materials.

  • Nature Club Sedmikvítek – for children from the second year of primary school to high school.



Šumava National Park is the best outdoor classroom.


Mgr. Martina Kučerová – Head of IC and EEC

Mgr. Stanislav Čtvrtník – Head of EEC Vimperk

Bc. Jiří Machart – Centre Officer

Address: Správa Národního parku Šumava, 1.máje 260, 385 01 Vimperk
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