Owl aviaries



The nearest parking lot on the map

Opening hours Tue - Sun

(Mon - closed)

May - September10:00 - 16:30


  • adults: CZK 40
  • children aged 4-15 years, seniors and disabled persons: CZK 20

How to get there:

Less than 250 m from the car park on the same side of the road (towards Horní Vltavice) there is a wooden walkway past the bridge, perpendicular to the road; the walkway it is about 150 metres and leads to the site.

About the center

At the edge of the site (GPS 48.9920072N, 13.6629656E), there is an entrance building with an exhibit showing detailed information about the species on display and a small service facility.

The visitor route from aviary to aviary has a firm surface, suitable for prams and wheelchairs.

Aviaries can be accessed separately from the main trail.

The aviaries alone are hung on a rope structure with a supporting pyramid-shaped wooden structure; the maximum height is about 15 m.

Things to remember DO NOT enter with pet dogs on the trails. There are pens available for your canine friends at the visitor centres where they can wait for you. Thank you for your understanding.

What the centre offers

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